6 Effective Customer Satisfaction Survey Examples

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6 Effective Customer Satisfaction Survey Examples
Learn how to create impactful customer satisfaction (CSAT) surveys by exploring these effective examples.
Nicole Bansal
Nicole Bansal
June 19, 2023

Creating a productive customer satisfaction (CSAT) survey is more than just throwing together a few questions. You need to carefully consider what you're looking to achieve, how to phrase your questions, and which types of questions will yield the most valuable insights.

In this post, we'll explore a variety of effective customer satisfaction surveys. By analyzing these examples, you'll gain a better understanding of how to create your own impactful customer satisfaction survey.

The importance of customer satisfaction surveys

Before we delve into the examples, it's crucial to understand why customer satisfaction surveys matter. Satisfied customers not only become repeat buyers but can also turn into brand advocates, helping spread positive word-of-mouth about your business.

But how do you measure how your customers are feeling? Customer satisfaction surveys are a powerful tool that lets you step into your customers' shoes and see your business from their perspective. They provide an avenue for customers to express their opinions, desires, and expectations, and offer constructive feedback.

Here are some reasons why customer satisfaction surveys are so important:

  1. Objectively measure customer satisfaction: This seems obvious, but it’s a vital point. Without concrete data, you're only guessing about how your customers feel. Surveys provide you with solid data and a clear indication of your performance.
  2. Identify problems and areas for improvement: No business is perfect. Surveys are an effective way to uncover issues and identify areas where your business can improve, whether it's customer service, product quality, or something else.
  3. Gain insights into customer behavior: Surveys can reveal why customers behave the way they do. Why did they choose your product over others? What factors influenced their decision? These insights can inform your sales and marketing strategies.
  4. Improve customer retention: If a customer is unsatisfied, they're likely to switch to a competitor. Surveys allow you to spot unhappy customers and take steps to rectify their issues, helping to improve customer retention.
  5. Create a channel for customer feedback: Surveys let your customers know you value their opinions and feedback. They create a two-way communication channel that can foster stronger customer relationships.
6 Effective Customer Satisfaction Survey Examples

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Examples of high-quality customer satisfaction surveys

With a good grasp of why customer satisfaction surveys are vital, let's explore some effective examples of different types of surveys you can use.

  1. The direct approach: Scale-based questions

One of the most common forms of customer satisfaction surveys uses scale-based questions. They're simple, straightforward, and provide quantifiable data. For instance, Amazon employs a simple and direct one-question survey to gauge customer satisfaction after an interaction with their customer service department:

"How would you rate your recent Amazon Customer Service experience?"

  1. Very Poor
  2. Poor
  3. Fair
  4. Good
  5. Excellent

This question provides Amazon with a simple scale of customer satisfaction that can be easily translated into actionable data.

  1. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a globally recognized customer satisfaction metric or score. NPS measures customer loyalty and brand perception on a scale of -100 to 100. A typical NPS question looks like this:

"On a scale from 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend or colleague?"

NPS then classifies customers into Detractors (0-6), Passives (7-8), and Promoters (9-10). This single question can offer powerful insight into your customers' overall satisfaction and loyalty.

  1. Multiple-choice satisfaction surveys

Another common customer satisfaction survey format is the multiple-choice questionnaire. These surveys provide customers with predefined answers, making it easier for them to respond and for you to analyze the data. Airbnb uses this type of survey to assess customer satisfaction with their rental experience:

"How was the cleanliness of the home you stayed in?"

  1. Below Expectations
  2. Met Expectations
  3. Exceeded Expectations

This simple, three-option format helps Airbnb quickly gauge the quality of their listings and identify areas of improvement.

  1. Open-ended satisfaction surveys

While they might be a bit more challenging to analyze, open-ended surveys offer customers the freedom to express their thoughts and feelings about your product or service in their own words. For instance, Apple uses this type of survey to get detailed feedback on their customer support:

"Please describe any other comments or suggestions you have about your support experience."

Such a question allows customers to voice their concerns, ideas, or appreciation, providing Apple with valuable qualitative insights.

  1. Customer Effort Score (CES) surveys

The Customer Effort Score (CES) measures how much effort a customer has to exert to get an issue resolved, a request fulfilled, or a question answered. It's a powerful metric to identify pain points in your customer journey. A CES question might look like this:

"On a scale of 1-5, how easy was it to interact with our customer support team?"

A high effort score might indicate that there are hurdles customers need to overcome when dealing with your customer support team, signaling areas for improvement.

  1. The hybrid survey

You can also combine several types of questions in your customer satisfaction survey to get a more rounded view of customer sentiment. A great example of this comes from Spotify. Their post-support survey includes a numerical rating, followed by an open-ended question:

"How would you rate the support you received? (1-5)"

"Do you have any additional feedback for our support team?"

This format allows Spotify to quantify customer satisfaction and collect qualitative feedback simultaneously.

Creating a customer satisfaction survey is a balancing act

On one hand, you want to gather as much information as possible. On the other, you need to ensure the survey isn't too long or complicated, as this can lead to low response rates. Historically, product managers have relied heavily on multiple-choice questions in surveys due to their ease of analysis. However, this approach often falls short in providing the depth and context necessary for actionable insights. 

Gathering the data is only the first step—the real magic lies in analyzing this feedback and turning it into actionable insights. Thankfully, with the advent of AI-powered analysis, PMs now have the freedom to explore open-ended questions without the burden of extensive manual labor to understand the responses. Gone are the days of cumbersome, lengthy, and leading multiple-choice surveys that limit the richness of user feedback. AI technology enables product managers to ask a few well-crafted open-ended questions and leverage advanced natural language processing algorithms to extract meaningful insights from the unstructured responses. By embracing this new approach, product managers can tap into the authentic and nuanced perspectives of their users, gaining a deeper understanding of their needs, motivations, and pain points. This shift empowers PMs to make more informed decisions, create differentiated products, and ultimately deliver exceptional user experiences.

Viable’s generative AI platform can help you get the most out of your customer satisfaction survey data. This leading text analysis tool takes in all your open-ended survey responses and identifies key themes and sentiments, providing you with clear, actionable insights. Instead of spending hours trying to decipher your survey data, you can focus your energy on improving your product or service based on what your customers have told you.

Whether you're exploring the simple direct approach, the loyalty-measuring NPS, or a detailed hybrid survey, Viable can handle the data analysis side of things. Try our AI today and see how the combination of effective customer satisfaction surveys and the power of generative AI can lead to profound improvements in your customer experience.

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