Integrate Salesforce Service Cloud with Viable: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Integrate Salesforce Service Cloud with Viable: A Step-by-Step Guide
Discover the seamless integration process of combining Salesforce Service Cloud's capabilities with Viable's AI analytics prowess.

Discover the seamless integration process of combining Salesforce Service Cloud's capabilities with Viable's analytical AI prowess. This tutorial will guide you in obtaining all messages linked to cases in Salesforce Service Cloud and channeling them to Viable as transcripts.


  • Salesforce Service Cloud Access: Ensure you have the necessary API permissions.
  • Viable Account: Admin access is essential to retrieve the API key.
  • Python Environment: Python 3.x should be installed.
  • Python Package: Ensure the requests package is in place. Install using pip install requests if needed.

Integration Guide

Step 1: Retrieve Your Viable API Key

  1. Log in to your Viable account.
  2. Navigate to "Admin" -> "Integrations."
  3. Scroll down the page to find your API key and copy it.

Step 2: Authenticate with Salesforce

You'll need your Salesforce Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Username, and Password for this step.

Open your Python environment and run the following code:

import requests
# Replace with your Salesforce credentials
params = {
   'grant_type': 'password',
   'client_id': 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',
   'client_secret': 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET',
   'username': 'YOUR_USERNAME',
   'password': 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
auth_url = '<>'
auth_resp =, params=params)
# Extract access token and instance URL for further use
access_token = auth_resp.json().get('access_token')
instance_url = auth_resp.json().get('instance_url')

Step 3: Fetch Cases from Salesforce

Now that you're authenticated, let's fetch the cases:

Step 4: Compile Transcripts for Cases

We'll collect all the messages associated with each case and compile them into a single transcript.

Step 5: Send Data to Viable

Use the API key from Step 1 to post the transcripts to Viable:

Key Reminders:

  • Always substitute placeholders (e.g., YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY, YOUR_VIABLE_API_KEY) with factual data.
  • It's imperative to address errors efficiently and be wary of API rate limits when operating in a live production scenario.

Congratulations! You've now adeptly fused Salesforce Service Cloud and Viable, ensuring streamlined analytics and insights.

Integrate Salesforce Service Cloud with Viable: A Step-by-Step Guide
Daniel Erickson
October 19, 2023
Daniel Erickson
October 19, 2023
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Integrate Salesforce Service Cloud with Viable: A Step-by-Step Guide

Integrate Salesforce Service Cloud with Viable: A Step-by-Step Guide
Discover the seamless integration process of combining Salesforce Service Cloud's capabilities with Viable's AI analytics prowess.

Discover the seamless integration process of combining Salesforce Service Cloud's capabilities with Viable's analytical AI prowess. This tutorial will guide you in obtaining all messages linked to cases in Salesforce Service Cloud and channeling them to Viable as transcripts.


  • Salesforce Service Cloud Access: Ensure you have the necessary API permissions.
  • Viable Account: Admin access is essential to retrieve the API key.
  • Python Environment: Python 3.x should be installed.
  • Python Package: Ensure the requests package is in place. Install using pip install requests if needed.

Integration Guide

Step 1: Retrieve Your Viable API Key

  1. Log in to your Viable account.
  2. Navigate to "Admin" -> "Integrations."
  3. Scroll down the page to find your API key and copy it.

Step 2: Authenticate with Salesforce

You'll need your Salesforce Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Username, and Password for this step.

Open your Python environment and run the following code:

import requests
# Replace with your Salesforce credentials
params = {
   'grant_type': 'password',
   'client_id': 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',
   'client_secret': 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET',
   'username': 'YOUR_USERNAME',
   'password': 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
auth_url = '<>'
auth_resp =, params=params)
# Extract access token and instance URL for further use
access_token = auth_resp.json().get('access_token')
instance_url = auth_resp.json().get('instance_url')

Step 3: Fetch Cases from Salesforce

Now that you're authenticated, let's fetch the cases:

Step 4: Compile Transcripts for Cases

We'll collect all the messages associated with each case and compile them into a single transcript.

Step 5: Send Data to Viable

Use the API key from Step 1 to post the transcripts to Viable:

Key Reminders:

  • Always substitute placeholders (e.g., YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY, YOUR_VIABLE_API_KEY) with factual data.
  • It's imperative to address errors efficiently and be wary of API rate limits when operating in a live production scenario.

Congratulations! You've now adeptly fused Salesforce Service Cloud and Viable, ensuring streamlined analytics and insights.

Integrate Salesforce Service Cloud with Viable: A Step-by-Step Guide
Daniel Erickson, October 19, 2023